Project Consortium

QUAERE has brought together a strong, well-balanced consortium assembled around its specific objectives – development of mechanisms for internal QA systems at HEIs and external evaluation tools for checking QA procedures at HEIs by national QA bodies. To make the picture complete, the building blocks of the consortium are also assembled with the key stakeholders in the process – HE institutions, students, national QA bodies – the Ministry and national center on QA. With the joint efforts it is expected to fully achieve the project objectives and turn the results into a good practice for further dissemination and multiplier effect. All the partners in the consortium have a varied extent of participation in former EU initiatives: some are more experienced, the others are taking the first steps.

The EU partners – WrUST, ASU, UP, ASIIN, CEENQAA and TNU are all leading institutions/experts in the field of QA operationalization. Universities have rich experience of self-assessment procedures and external evaluation; ASIIN, CEENQA – representing practical area of QA agencies operation, the main aim of which is development and harmonization of activities in the field of QA and quality improvement in HE; TNU – with a rich experience of planning, design and implementation of trainings for all relevant stakeholder groups. In summary, the EU partners bring in all the best practice accumulated at EU level, both HEIs and QA agencies, to support the developments in the field of QA system development in Eastern Neighboring Area and Ukraine in particular